Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My First castle!


I dont think Ive updated this since Copenhagen! whoops! two weeks! I guess Ive been really busy without knowing! The first week I was really busy with school- I had a presentation in my Animal Physiology class, and a big report due for a different class. My friend Liga had her birthday on the weekend of Copenhagen, so she celebrated it the following wednesday and had a bunch of us over at her residence! I think its really strange here- everybody does things for their own birthday- for example, Liga made us all dinner for her birthday, and a guy in my class brought us all muffins because it was his birthday on the weekend.. very different than home, as Im pretty sure we all want an easy day with everybody doing everything for us, because it is our special day! Maybe not doing everything for you, but it just seems more common that someone else would throw a birthday party for you instead of you throwing one for yourself!

Last week I guess I was busy with school too, I had an essay due in the middle of the week, but unlike last week, I went to the student house on Tuesday night for international night! I love that place, its just so good to see everyone at the same time, because everybody is doing their own things during the week! On Thursday night we had a potluck at Ericas house, just some of the girls which was nice :)
Im not sure what is up with me lately, I havent really taken pictures of very many things- not like me!!
Friday I went over to Liannas house, because we are planning the France trip around Easter time- very stressful for me, I dont know why! Not so much for her, maybe she has done it many times before! That night we all went to one of the exchange student Shen's house for a bit! Friday was also my last day of classes for this semester! wohoo!

on Saturday me , Liga and Lianna went to on a daytrip about 30 min away from aarhus to a little village (Ronde- in the picture!) that has castle ruins! It was rainy, but it was so much fun! The picture at the top is me with the castle! That night alot of the exchange students went out to a pub downtown called Bridgewater where there was a live band :)

I suppose that is all for now! Tonight is St Patricks day so I am going over to Shens house and then down to the student house! and tommorrow... going to BERLIN until Sunday! I am excited, though since I am no history major by any means, will have to look up
some cool things to see while there! Enjoy the pictures! Vi ses~

getting my care package. very excited.

pure bliss

Me and Lianna excited- almost at the castle!

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