Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last weekend I went to COPENHAGEN!!

It was very exciting!! I went with a big international group of students with the Studenterhus downtown.. and had to miss Friday of school! im such a rebel... 7 hours of class or copenhagen?! hard decision!

We left early Friday morning, and got there around lunch time. We took the ferry over! The afternoon was mostly free time until supper- we checked into our "hotel", which was just like a hostel and then went to the tourist information place to get some maps so we would not get lost! That afternoon was my favorite- me and a group of about 8 or 10 of us wandered downtown and found the canal which was beautiful, and the little mermaid, and the queens castle! We also walked down the main shopping street- complete with Louis vuitton and gucci shops! And also they are getting an Abercrombie and Fitch in the fall- i thought that was only an american store?!

That night we had a buffet supper with the group, which was delicious food, and then went to a pub downtown , which translated was called the happy pig. very fun, there was live music :)

Day two was filled with lots of planned tours- we started out by going to Christiania, which is the sketchiest place on earth. It is a section of downtown that is really really poor and its a big community of people. They have some weird agreement with the government so they dont pay taxes or anything, and they sell weed on the streets just like it was legal. very very strange. So we got a tour through Christiania, which was definately interesting, but it was a must-see place if you are in Copenhagen! I definately would not be going there alone though, there were even signs saying "DO NOT TAKE ANY PICTURES OF THIS STREET".. where they sell all of their drugs.

Later we had a bit of free time for lunch and shopping, and then had a tour of the canal. We went on a boat, and it was really really nice to see, although we were all exhausted from all the walking in the past day and fell asleep for the last little bit of it. whoops! Either way it was cool to see the things from the water view! (Although we has seen most places walking already). The next tour was up the round tower, which is a big tower on one half and a church I think on another. It was really cool at the top, you could see all of downtown and even the bridge to Sweden! And instead of climbing lots and lots of stairs to get to the top, it was a big ramp..... and it made you very dizzy!

That night we ate at a mexican restaurant and then went to an irish pub downtown- they played live music too, it was really good!

The next day didnt have anything planned- we had another walking tour of downtown and went back to the Little Mermaid and the queens castle- and then had a couple of hours to do a little bit of shopping! mind you the shops in denmark are CRAZY expensive.. AKA like 50$ for a t-shirt!! Anddd then the bus/ferry ride back we all just slept as i dont think I have ever walked so far in my life! Overall though, fab. weekend! It was really nice to get out of aarhus for a weekend!

This is a picture of me and a group of students at the little mermaid!

I think this is their train station- it was HUGE! all of their buildings downtown are ginormous!

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